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GCSE 9-1 Business End Of Topic Tests

GCSE 9-1 Business End Of Topic Tests

End of topic tests for the new GCSE Business qualification. Tests are around 20 marks each and are created to test Business knowledge. A test is available for both Theme 1 and 2 from 1.1 to 2.5. If you purchase, please leave a review! Enjoy!
A Level Business Assessment Front Sheet

A Level Business Assessment Front Sheet

This resources contains a front sheet for teacher feedback once students have completed an assessment. It provides space for the teacher to write WWW and EBI. The second page includes a checklist presented in a table, seperated by a series of WWW, EBI and targets students could work toward to improvde that skill. There are checkboxes provided for you to tick if a student has evidenced that skill. The pack also contains an exam wrapper to gather information on study habits e.g. how long the students spent revising for the test, how confident they are on a scale of 1 - 10 and some questions at the end of the exam to find out how students felt the exam went.
PEEL Paragraphs

PEEL Paragraphs

This resource was designed for A Level Business students to explain how and why we use PEEL (Point, Evidence, Explain, Link) to support with answering questions but can be adapted for any subject.
GCSE 9-1 Business Studies Introduction Lesson (Edexcel)

GCSE 9-1 Business Studies Introduction Lesson (Edexcel)

This is a PowerPoint presentation introducing Year 11 students to the final year of their studies. It covers Theme 1 and 2 content, the exam layout, the assessment objectives for Edexcel and goes through a range of examples, finally finishing with some numerical questions and answers. There is also a Word doc for students to make notes and follows the PowerPoint nicely. If you download and like, please leave a review! It is a very basic lesson to introduce students back to Business after 6 weeks off over the summer and the aim is to do some light revision and cover some general Buisness topics. Please note, questions have been taken from previous Edexcel Exam Papers. Enjoy!